The De Post/PMC excercises (and the Struts blank sample application) are based on
- Struts
- tags-bean
- tags-logic
- tags-html
- JSP scriptlets
In this post we will show how to move this to
- Struts
- JSP expression language
To enable JSTL/JSP/EL support in your application
follow these instructions.
Here’s the table from the excercise rendered with JSTL/JSP EL:
<c:forEach var="product" items="${List}" varStatus ="status">
<tr class="${(status.index%2==1)?'odd':'even'}">
<html:link action="<%=modify%>" paramId="id" paramName="product" paramProperty="id">
<html:img srcKey="icon.edit" altKey="icon.alt.edit" border="0"/>
<html:link action="<%=remove %>" paramId="id" paramName="product" paramProperty="id">
<html:img srcKey="icon.trash" altKey="icon.alt.trash" border="0"/>
<td> ${}</td>
<td> ${product.description}</td>