17 April 2023

windows CMD equivalents for popular unix commands

Some Windows cmd equivalents for common Unix commands for my onw reference

Unix Windows
cp source target copy source target  
cp -r source target 
xcopy source target /e/h
find -name '*.txt
dir /s *.txt
grep text
findstr text
ls -a dir /a
rm file del file
rm -rf directory rmdir /s /q directory
which command
where command

1 April 2023

itsme network error (netwerk fout)

 I consistently started getting network error when logging in to the itsme identification app.

There is no information on the error in the FAQ and youi cannot reach customer support by phone.

It appears I simply had to upgrade the app in the play store, so they must have rolled out a server changes that is incompatible with older version recently.