25 March 2022

Java 18: UTF-8 by default

Java 18 was released this week.

These is a simple web server (for educational purposes) that comes with this release, but the most important change is that Java will use UTF-8 format for I/O by default, except for console I/O.

Up until now Java would use the OS default for IO. In windows in Europe you would write files using windows1252 encoding: a one byte format that extends ascii (it can represent twice the number of characters). Of course there are plenty of ways to fall back to the system default. Still I expect many users to be caught by surprise when java does not play nice with programs expecting ASCII any more.

13 March 2022

Google drive new search controls: search here

 Search results in google drive now include extra search controls.

From these controls you can quickly trim down your results. 

You can even restrict the search to the current map.

This seems obvious, but this was so long in the waiting. 

In the drive controls next to the search box, you can only select the search location by navigating to it from the root (independent of the map where your currently are).