22 April 2020

Intellij IDEA 2020.1 highlights

  • You can now download and configure the desired JDK from your IDE, by selecting it from a drop down menu.
    Oracle restrictions on  long term support for java and open source initiatives to mitigate the problem have complicated the process of finding the right JDK. A welcome help for the novice user.
  • Inline refactorings. It has always been counterintuitive that a simple thing like a rename was a refarctoring. Now IntelliJ will detect when you edit the signature of a method and automatically prompts you for a refactoring in a little drop down.

  • code vision: in-code indications of usages/implementations of methods
  • debugger dataflow analysis: the debugger predicts values of variables in statements you have not reached yet, by analysing your code
  • The code profiler lets you to filter out the calls you want to focus on 
  • Reworked git/VCS integration
  • Better update support after Gradle/Maven modifications 
  • You can split the terminal window now
  • support for
    • Selenium testing
    • OpenAPI, Swagger codegen
    • Vuex

Facebook censors vietnamese content

Facebook is censoring posts with govenrment criticism in Vietnam,
after the government was pressuring them by restricting access to the Facebook site in their country.


6 April 2020

Upload .jpg to Google photos failed

I tried uploading a .jpg (obtained from a scan with my Canon Pixma) to Google photos but this failed.
I tried drag & drop and uploading from my computer, both did not work.
The photo is not even shown as a possible upload when browsing on my computer, because the .jpg type is not among the supported file types. .jpeg is present however, so I renamed my scan to .jpeg and lo!, the photo uploads without a problem.
Seems I'm not the only one having this problem, judging from the upvotes on this closed thread on support.google.com > photos.