25 September 2011

JPA labs – high level instructions (edit)

Lab 3 Exercise 2 Task 1

Adjusting the table and column names

  1. Create the com.acme.entities.AuctionUser entitiy
    1. Follow the same procedure as in Lab 1 Exercise 3 Task 3, steps 1-6
    2. Add the attributes shown in the Student Guide page 2-9, Figure 2-4
    3. Press ALT+INSERT to  add a default constructor and a constructor accepting all attributes except the auctionUserId
  2. Add an annotation to save the entity to the table A_USER
  3. Add an annotation to save the auctionUserId attribute to the id column
  4. Add an annotation to save the displayName attribute to the name column.
    1. Set the column length to 50.
  5. Modify the main method created in Lab 1 to save an AuctionUser entity
    1. At the beginning of the method create auctionUser JaneDoe with email address jane@doe.com
    2. After the statement to persist the item, add a similar statement to persist the user
  6. Choose Run -> Run Main Project
  7. Follow the same procedure as in Lab 1 Exercise 3 Task 3, step 9 to run the project and verify the table was created as intended and JaneDoe was inserted.

Lab 4 Exercise 2 Task 2

Working with the entity manager

  1. In the Item entitiy
    1. Press ALT+INSERT to generate a constructor that takes all attributes except the id as an argument
    2. Press ALT+INSERT to generate a default constructor
  2. Create the ItemDao class in the (new) com.acme.daos package
    1. Add a static EntityManagerFactory attribute
      1. Initialize the attribute with an EntityManagerFactory for your persistence unit
    2. Implement the method
      private EntityManager getEntityManager()
      The method should return an EntityManager created from the EntityManagerFactory attribute
    3. Implement the method
      public Item save(Item item) 
      1. The method should call the getEntityManager method
      2. The method should persist the item within a transaction
        1. Look at the main method for inspiration
      3. return the item
  3. Create a unit test to test the save() method.
    1. Right-click the Project node and choose New –> Other.
    2. Select JUnit from the list of Categories and JUnit Test from the list of File Types, then click Next
      1. Type ItemTest for the class name
      2. Select Test Packages as the location
      3. Type com.acme.daos for the package name
      4. Click Finish. 
      5. Select JUnit 4.x if prompted for the JUnit version:
      6. Add an import for static assertXXX JUnit utility methods:
        import static org.junit.Assert.*;
      7. Add a static ItemDao attribute. Initialise it in the @BeforeClass annotated method.
      8. Create a test method called save() to test the save() method on the ItemDao
        1. Annotate the method with @Test
      9. In the test method
        1. Create a new Item and set all attributes except the id
        2. Save the Item using the ItemDao
        3. Use the assertFalse method to test the Item id is not null
        4. assertFalse("id should not be null", item.getId()==null);
        5. Right click ItemTest.java and choose Run File
        6. If you see a green bar with 100% in it, the test passed. If you see a red bar, the test failed.
      10. In the ItemDao class, implement the following method:
        public Item findByPrimaryKey(Long id)
      11. Create an annotated test method called find  in the ItemTest class to test the findByPrimaryKey method. In this method:
        1. Create a new Item and set all attributes except the id
        2. Save the Item using the ItemDao
        3. Pass the primary key of the saved item to findByPrimaryKey to retrieve the Item from the database
        4. Use the assertEquals method to test that the key of the returned Item has the same key.
        5. Run the test and correct errors until it succeeds.
          Optional steps
        1. Create a method in the ItemDao class.
          public void deleteByPrimaryKey(Long id) 
          1. Get an entity manager
          2. Start a transaction
          3. Look up the Item using the getReference method on the entity manager
          4. Delete the item using the remove method on the entity manager
          5. Commit the transaction
        2. Create an annotated test method called find in the ItemTest class to test the deleteByPrimaryKey method. in this method:
          1. Create a new Item and set all attributes except the id
          2. Save the Item using the ItemDao
          3. Pass the primary key of the saved item to deleteByPrimaryKey to delete the Item from the database
          4. Pass the primary key of the saved item to findByPrimaryKey to retrieve the Item from the database
          5. Use the AssertNull method to verify that the item is not found.

        Lab 5 Exercise 2 Task 1

        Creating a unidirectional One-to-One relationship between two entities

        1. Create the com.acme.entities.Auction entitiy with these attributes:
          private Long auctionId;
          private BigDecimal startAmount;
          private BigDecimal increment;
          private String status;
          private Date openTime;
          private Date closeTime;
          private Item item;
        2. Map the Date attributes to TIMESTAMP columns using the @Temporal annotation
        3. Establish a OneToOne relation with Item
        4. Press ALT+INSERT to generate getters and setters, a default constructor and a constructor accepting all attributes except the auctionId
        5. Create the com.acme.daos.AuctionDao class
          1. Copy the static EntityManagerFactory attribute from ItemDao
          2. implement the same methods as in ItemDao, but this time for the Auction entity
        6. Create a unit test to test the save() method.
          1. Right-click the Project node and choose New –> Other.
          2. Select JUnit from the list of Categories and JUnit Test from the list of File Types, then click Next
          3. Type AuctionTest for the class name
          4. Select Test Packages as the location
          5. Type com.acme.daos for the package name
          6. Click Finish. 
        7. Add an import for static assertXXX JUnit utility methods:
          import static org.junit.Assert.*;
        8.  Add an attribute
          static AuctionDao auctionDao;
        9. Initialise it in the @BeforeClass annotated method.
      12. Create a test method called save() to test the save() method on the ItemDao
        1. you may modify the method to pass the attributes in the constructor instead of using the setters
            public void save(){
                Auction auction = new Auction();
                auction.setOpenTime(new Date());
                GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();
                cal.roll(Calendar.MONTH, true);
                auction.setStartAmount(new BigDecimal("100.00"));
                auction.setIncrement(new BigDecimal("10.00"));
                auction = auctionDao.save(auction);
                assertTrue("id is greater than zero", auction.getAuctionId() > 0);
      13. Right click ItemTest.java and choose Run File. Run the test and correct errors until it succeeds.

      Lab 5 Exercise 3 Task 1

      Creating a bidirectional One-to-Many/Many-to-One relationship

      1. Add a bidirectional One-to-Many/Many-to-One relationship between Auction (1) and Bid (many)
        1. Add an annotated bids attribute to the Auction entity
          1. Set cascade mode to ALL
          2. Initialize the attribute to an empty list of bids
          3. Add an auction attribute to the Bid entity
            1. Press ALT+INSERT to generate auction getter/setter methods
            2. Add an annotation for the relationship
            3. Press ALT+INSERT to generate a constructor that takes all attributes except the id as arguments
            4. Press ALT+INSERT to generate a default constructor
            5. Implement these methods in the Auction entity
              public void addBid(Bid bid)
              public int getBidCount()
          4. Implement a saveBids() methods in the AuctionTest class
            1. Create an auction
            2. Add 3 new bids with amounts of 150, 175 and 225
            3. Save the auction
            4. Assert that the saved auction got an ID
            5. Assert that the new auction has 3 bids
            6. Run the test until it passes.

          Lab 6 Exercise 2 Task 1

          Persisting an Entity with a superclass

          1. Create an entity called com.acme.entities BookItem.
          2. Make the BookItem entity a subclass of Item.
          3. The attributes of the entity are described in module 2 of the Student Guide.
          4. In the main method add the creation of a BookItem and save it to the database.
          5. Run the main method
          6. Examine which changes were made to the database tables

          Lab 7 Exercise 2 Task 1

          Persisting an Entity with an enum Field

          1. Create the Status enum.
            1. Right click on the com.acme.entities package and choose New>Java class
              1. Type Status for the Class Name.
              2. Choose enum for the type
            2. Click OK
          2. Add these values to the enum: OPEN, CLOSED, CANCELLED
          3. Refactor the type of Auction.status and change it to Status
            1. Change getter and setter methods
            2. Change the call to setStatus in AuctionTest.java
          4. Run the AuctionTest and correct errors until it succeeds
          5. Check the database definition of Auction.status and check the inserted data. What has changed?
          6. Add an Enumerated annotation to the status field and set enumeration type to STRING
          7. Run the AuctionTest and correct errors until it succeeds
          8. Check the database definition of Auction.status and check the inserted data. What has changed?

          Lab 7 Exercise 3 Task 1

          Persisting an Entity with a List field

          1. Add a Set of String keywords to the Item entity and initialize it to an empty Set.
          2. Annotate it as an ElementCollection
          3. Implement these methods:
            public void addKeyword(String keyword)
            public List<String> getKeywords()
          4. Add an annotated test method saveKeywords() to ItemTest. You can use the test methods for bids in Auction as a source of inspiration.
          5. Run the AuctionTest and correct errors until it succeeds.
          6. Describe the database table where the keywords are saved.

          Lab 8 Exercise 2

          Performing a query with the Java Persistence API QL

          1. Add a dynamicJpqlQuery() test to the ItemTest class. In the method
            1. Perform this JPQL query (within a transaction)
            2. DELETE FROM Item i
              1. What does this query do?
            3. Create 3 Items using ItemDao.save(Item i), using different values for all atributes.
            4. Save them to the database
            5. Perform a JPQL query to retrieve  them
            6. Assert you retrieved 3 results
            7. perform a  JPQL query to retrieve only items in stock
            8. Assert you retrieved the correct number of results
          2. Optional: Add a testPaging() test method that creates 25 Items and retrieves them in groups of maximum 10. Verify that it runs correctly.

          Lab 8 Exercise 3

          Performing a query with SQL

          1. Copy the dynamicJpqlQuery() test in the ItemTest class to nativeSqlQuery()
          2. In the method replace all queries with native queries

          Lab 8 Exercise 4

          1. Add a constructor to the Item class that accepts all attributes
            1. Type ALT+INSERT into the item class
            2. Choose Constructor…
            3. Check all attributes except the ID
            4. Click Generate
          2. Add a default constructor to the Item class
            1. Type ALT+INSERT into the item class
            2. Choose Constructor…
            3. Click Generate
          3. Copy the CriteriaTest.java file from the labs08 directory to the com.acme.entities package in the test directory
          4. Examine the code
          5. Run the code

          Lab 9 Exercise 2 Task 1

          Creating and running a named query

          1. Define a named query called ClearAuctions using an annotiation on the Auction entity that deletes all auctions
          2. Define a named query called FindByStatusAuctions using an annotiation on the Auction entity. To define multiple named queries use @NamedQueries:
            @NamedQueries( {
                @NamedQuery(name="yyy",query="YYY") }
            1. The query should select all auctions with a certain status
            2. Set the status in the query as a named parameter
          3. Add an annotated test method called testNamedQuery() to the AuctionTest clas.
          4. Execute the ClearAuctions query (you can find inspiration in the tests in the previous chapter)
            • Do not use the Dao, but create an EntityManager
            • Perform the delete operation within a transaction
          5. Execute the FindByStatusAuctions query to look for all closed auctions
          6. Assert no entries are found
          7. Run the test and correct errors until it succeeds
          8. Modify the testNamedQuery() test to insert three auctions and add them to the auction table
            1. Add a convenience constructor with common attributes and a default constructor to the entity
            2. The start date of the first auction should be between those of the second and the third item(we will use this in the next exercise)
            3. Only two auctions should be in open
            4. Save them using the Dao
          9. Assert one entry is found
          10. Run the test and correct errors until it succeeds

          Lab 9 Exercise 2 Task 2

          Creating multiple named queries

          1. Write a new NamedQuery FindAllAuctions that finds all auctions.
          2. Copy the testNamedQuery() test to a new test and call it testOrderedQuery()
          3. Replace the last query in the copied test method (FindByStatusAuctions) with the FindAllAuctions Query and store the results in a List
          4. Assert that the first auction starts after the second.
          5. Run the test and correct errors until it succeeds
          6. Write a new NamedQuery called FindAllOrderByOpenTimeAuctions that sorts by ascending openTime.
          7. Add the query at the end of testOrderedQuery.
          8. Assert that the first auction starts before the second.

          Lab 10 Exercise 2

          Performing a Query With Multiple Criteria

          1. Define a named query called clearItems that deletes all items. Use an annotation on the Item entity
          2. Add an annotated test method called incompleteItems() to the ItemTest class.
          3. In the incompleteItems method
            1. Call the clearItems named query
            2. Create 3 items.
              1. An Item with a description
              2. An Item with an image
              3. An Item with an image and a description
                   (Use test methods from previous labs for inspiration)
          4. Build a criteria query that selects all items that have a description OR an image that is NULL
            Hint: use CriteriaBuilder.isNull()
          5. Execute the query
          6. Assert 2 entries are found
          7. Run the test and correct errors until it succeeds

          Lab 10 Exercise 3 (extra)

          Performing a query with a named parameter

          1. Copy the incompleteItems() test method and call the copy namedParameter()
          2. Replace the query with a Criteria query that selects all items with a given description
            1. The description should be received as a parameter called “desc”
          3. Execute the query for each description in your items
          4. Assert that you get exactly one result each time
          5. Run the test and correct errors until it succeeds

          Lab 13 Exercise 2 Task 1

          Creating a Composite Key

          1. Create the BookPk class in the com.acme.enitities package
          2. Add the @Embeddable annotation and the Serializable interface to theclass declaration.
            public class BookPk implements Serializable{
          3. Add the following fields:
            private String title;
            private int edition;
            1. Right-click an empty line and choose Insert Code.
            2. Choose Getter and Setter.
            3. Select all fields and click Generate.
            4. Right-click an empty line and choose equals() and hashCode().
            5. Select all fields in the list.
            6. Click Generate.
          4. Create the TextBook entity class in the the com.acme.enitities package
            1. Add an EmbeddedId of type BookPk
            2. Add attributes
              private List<String> authors;
              private int yearPublished;
            3. Extra: Annotate the authors attribute as an ElementCollection
          5. In the main method add the creation of a BookItem and save it to the database
          6. Run the main method
          7. Examine which changes were made to the database tables 

          Lab 13 Extra: Exercise 3 Task 1

          Using validation

          This lab supposes the validator reference implementation has been downloaded to $Home/pkg

          1. In the projects window right click the libraries folder and select Add Library
            1. Click Create...
            2. Enter Library Name: Validation
            3.  Click OK
              1. Click Add JAR/Folder...
                1.  Select $HOME/pkg/hibernate-validator/hibernate-validator*.jar
                  1. * depends on the version of validator
              2. Click Add JAR/Folder...
                1.  Select $HOME/pkg/hibernate-validator/lib/required/validator-api-1.0.0.GA.jar
              3. Click OK
            4. Click Add Library
          2. In the Item entity annotate the image with a validation that 
            1. prints the message "Only JPG images are accepted"
            2. only accept values matching this pattern
          3. In the ItemTest class add a test method test Validation that
            1. saves an Item with a null image
            2. saves an item with an image string ending in .jpg
            3. saves an item with an image string ending in .gif
              1. surround the last save line with a try block
              2. catch a ConstraintViolationException 
                1. add an empty catch block
              3. in the try block add as a last line
              4.         fail("picture.gif should fail validation");
          4. Run the test and correct errors until it succeeds

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